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Sacred Fractal Artifacts

What is a fractal?

Fractals are systems that exhibit patterns of self-similarity and roughness.

They can be found in nature, science, technology, law, art, religion, and the formation of objects in consciousness.

The fractals made by Soul Forms push toward the center of these fields and exist harmoniously among them. Each manifestation of a Soul Forms fractal pushes the limits of what’s possible with current technology, using up every last bit of resolution to render as many iterations as physically possible within a given medium.

As you observe these sacred fractals they will grow with you and reflect your state of mind. This creates the space for fractals to be useful tools for meditation and tracking spiritual growth. They can be used to understand one’s progress on the spiritual path when conceptualized as similar to a koan.

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Created to strive towards a better society

Why are fractals important?

Beauty—both functional and aesthetic—is a result of the integration of systems. The more integrated a phenomenon is within a given system and the more systems it is integrated with, the more beautiful that phenomenon becomes.

Fractals are the apex of systemic integration. In this way, each fractal is a manifestation of a utopian universe; a universe where all the systems of every elementary particle and energetic wave are holistically unified.

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At the intersection of Art, Design, Engineering, Math, Science, Nature, and Spirituality

Are you curious about the nature of the universe?

Since fractals are at the heart of so many systems, learning about them will help us better understand the universe. Most of the components of our collective reality like biological systems, patterns of eye movement, phone antennae, traffic patterns, the stock market, mushrooms, mountains, music, etc. are all fractals.

Studying fractals has the potential to reveal the fundamental laws that govern the universe we inhabit.

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