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 Experiencing the Expansion of Possibility Through Higher States of Consciousness


The Tree of Experiential Possibilities

In the presence of an ego the experience of a thought or sensation presents us with the choice of navigating from the space of sense experience to the realm of known possibilities that is the preconceived idea of the universe or concept of self. 

This potential of choice reveals itself in 4-dimensions as a spiraling tree of the ever-evolving experience of consciousness. 

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Expanding the Experience Tree

Meditating or doing psychedelics expands the bubble of potential possibilities by cleansing it of preconception and revealing new avenues to which our egos were previously blind. 

These avenues tend to exist emotionally “in-between” other potential avenues we were aware of, as if a tree with experiential awareness situated in the middle of the trunk expanded to be a full sphere. 

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Unlocking Primordial Space

When experiencing higher states of consciousness it can occasionally seem as though we are seeing between the “pixels” of reality, or the smallest component of a sensation.

That feeling is the feeling of the expansion of reality to encompass more of the fundamental truth of the Not-Self, the Primordial Space of Awareness, or the infinite nature of the potential space of consciousness.

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Dissolving Illusion

In contrast to the tree of experience of higher states of consciousness, the tree of experience of the typical illusory self projects its limited space of possibilities from the past past the present into the future in order to perpetuate the illusion of its existence and maintain a thread of perceived continuity.

Disconnecting the thought patterns of the mind from attachment to the past and future naturally dissolves this illusory self, leaving Infinity to experience itself.

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